Section Six: Students
6.1.1 School Assignment and Student Residence Requirements
6.1.2 Homeless Students
6.1.3 Immunization and Health Requirements for School Admission
6.1.2 Homeless Students
6.1.3 Immunization and Health Requirements for School Admission
6.5 Student Promotion and Accountability
6.5.1 High School Graduation Requirements
6.7 Deleted
6.8 Evaluation of Student Progress
6.8.1 Students at Risk of Academic Failure
6.8.2 Deleted (refer to policy 7.2)
6.8.3 Recognizing Excellence
6.8.4 Differential Weighting of High School Courses
6.8.5 Class Rankings
6.9 Foreign Exchange Students
6.10 Student Behavior Policies
6.10.1 Authority of School Personnel
6.10.2 Rules for Use of Seclusion and Restraint in Schools
6.10.3 School Plan for Management of Student Behavior
6.10.4 Disciplinary Action for Exceptional Children/Students with Disabilities
6.10.5 Parental Involvement in Student Behavior Issues
6.11 Standards of Expected Student Behavior
6.11.1 Rules of Conduct and Consequences of Actions
Rule 1: Disruption of School
Rule 2: Damage or Destruction of School Property
Rule 3: Damage or Destruction of Private Property
Rule 4: Assaults, Threats, and Harassment
Rule 5: Weapons, Bomb Threats, Terrorist Threats, and Clear Threats to Safety
Rule 6: Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages and Stimulant Drugs (Including Drug Paraphernalia)
6.11 Standards of Expected Student Behavior
6.11.1 Rules of Conduct and Consequences of Actions
Rule 1: Disruption of School
Rule 2: Damage or Destruction of School Property
Rule 3: Damage or Destruction of Private Property
Rule 4: Assaults, Threats, and Harassment
Rule 5: Weapons, Bomb Threats, Terrorist Threats, and Clear Threats to Safety
Rule 6: Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages and Stimulant Drugs (Including Drug Paraphernalia)
and Other Prohibited Substances
Rule 7: Abuse or Distribution of Over-the-Counter Medications
Rule 8: Repeated School Violations
Rule 9: Student Tobacco Use Policy
Rule 10: Integrity and Civility
Rule 11: Suspensions from Athletic and Extra-Curricular Activities
Rule 12: Gang-Related Activity
Rule 13: Theft, Trespass, and Damage to Property
Rule 7: Abuse or Distribution of Over-the-Counter Medications
Rule 8: Repeated School Violations
Rule 9: Student Tobacco Use Policy
Rule 10: Integrity and Civility
Rule 11: Suspensions from Athletic and Extra-Curricular Activities
Rule 12: Gang-Related Activity
Rule 13: Theft, Trespass, and Damage to Property
Rule 14: Vaping Devices and Vaping Paraphernalia Prohibited
6.11.2 Procedures to be Followed for Suspensions and Expulsions of Students
6.11.3 Long-Term Suspension, 365-Day Suspension, Expulsion
6.11.4 Student Discipline Hearing Procedures
6.11.5 Student Discipline Records
6.11.6 Requests for Readmission of Students Suspended for 365 Days or Expelled
6.11.2 Procedures to be Followed for Suspensions and Expulsions of Students
6.11.3 Long-Term Suspension, 365-Day Suspension, Expulsion
6.11.4 Student Discipline Hearing Procedures
6.11.5 Student Discipline Records
6.11.6 Requests for Readmission of Students Suspended for 365 Days or Expelled
6.12 School Level Investigations
6.12.1 Student Searches
6.12.2 Behavior Standards for Transfer Students
6.12.3 Criminal Behavior
6.13 Student Sex Offenders
6.14 Student Records
6.14.1 Confidentiality of Personal Identifying Information
6.14.2 Surveys of Students
6.15 School Safety
6.15.1 Internet Safety
6.15.2 Student Insurance Program
6.16 Curriculum Development
6.16.1 Dual Enrollment
6.16.2 Online Instruction
6.16.3 Innovation in Curriculum and Instruction
6.16.4 Curriculum and Instructional Guides
6.16.5 Lesson Planning
6.16.6 Grouping for Instruction
6.16.7 Homework
6.16.8 Evaluation of Instructional Programs
6.17 Private Tutoring
6.18 Athletic Review Committee Policy
6.19 Lunch Period
6.20 School Nutrition Services - Charge Policy
6.21 Release of Students from School
6.22 Deleted
6.23 Resolution Regarding Motor Vehicles and Mechanical Devices on Public School Property
6.24 Deleted
6.25 High School Examination Policy
6.26 Student Fees
6.27 Deleted
6.28 Child Abuse - and Related Threats to Child Safety
6.29 Goals of Student Health Services
6.29.1 Organization of Student Health Services
6.29.2 Student Health Services
6.29.3 Administering Medicines to Students
6.29.4 Automated External Defibrillator
6.29.5 Concussion and Head Injury
6.29.6 Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders and Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) Student Health Care Plan
6.30 Middle School Athletic Penalty Code for Davidson County Schools
6.31 Deleted
6.32 Communicable Diseases - Students
6.33 Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law
6.33.4 Deleted
6.33.5 Deleted
6.34 Students with Special Needs
6.34.1 Religious-Based Exemptions from School Programs
6.34.2 Religion in the Schools
6.34.3 Special Education Programs/Rights of Students with Disabilities
6.34.4 Citizenship and Character Education
6.35 Procedure for Enrollment, Grading and Classification of Home School Students
6.36 Head Lice Control
6.37 Student Dress and Appearance
6.38 Deleted
6.39 Equal Educational Opportunities
6.39.1 Parental Involvement
6.39.2 Translating Policies for Students and Parents
6.39.3 Student and Parent Grievance Procedure
6.39.4 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disabilities
6.39.5 Education for Pregnant and Parenting Students
6.45 Fund Raising
6.46 Use of Wireless Communication Devices
6.47 Service Animals in Schools
6.48 Services and Activities to Support the Educational Program
6.48.1 Counseling Program
6.48.2 Student Voter Registrations