Career & Technical Education » Strategic Local Plan

Strategic Local Plan

Career-Technical Education (CTE) is conducted in all middle and high schools in the Davidson County Schools. The Planning and Performance Management System (PPMS) is CTE's vehicle for strategic planning, managing performance, and being accountable at local, state, and federal levels for CTE. All PPMS's are viewable by all LEAs, thereby creating the foundation for an online learning community.

The following information can be accessed at the following link to view the Department of Public Instruction's Planning and Performance Management System.

Part I: Data/Indicators of Performance
Part III: Local Application Narratives
Part IV: Application for Work Study Program
Part V - Perkins Federal Grant
Part VI: Assurances and Certifications

To view Davidson County School's Career and Technical Education Strategic Plan, follow the instructions below.

1. Go to "Search --> Organizations" and type in "Davidson". Select Davidson County Schools.
2. Once DCS is selected, a new set of options along the left-hand side menu will appear
3. Select "Funding --> Funding Applications"
4. Select the CTE Local Plan
5. Each of the sections will be listed.