Exceptional Children » Special Transportation

Special Transportation

Guidelines for Special Transportation
Providing a safe and enjoyable ride to and from school for your child is our goal. Please assist us in making this possible by discussing with your child the importance of remaining in his/her seat, talking quietly, and following the directions of the bus driver.

Transportation is included as a related service under the regulations in 34 CFR §300.34(a) and (c)(16). Travel training is included in the definition of special education in 34 CFR §300.39(a)(2)(ii), and is specifically defined in §300.39(b)(4).

Transportation includes travel to and from school and between schools; travel in and around school buildings; and specialized equipment such as special or adapted buses, lifts and ramps, if required to provide special transportation for a child with a disability.

Transportation is provided as a related service for students identified and served through programs for exceptional children when required due to:

1. Any time that an IEP team places a disabled student in a cluster class other than child’s home base school.

2. When the student’s disability requires specialized equipment such adapted buses (including lifts)

3. Student’s IEP requires a modified day.

When assigned as a related service for one of these reasons, transportation becomes a related service and is marked as such on the student’s IEP.

The IEP Team is responsible for determining if transportation is required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education and related services, and how the transportation services should be implemented. The IEP should describe the transportation services to be provided, including transportation to enable a child with disabilities to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular activities in the manner necessary to afford the child an equal opportunity for participation in those services and activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the needs of that child. 34 CFR §§300.107 and 300.117.

The IDEA does not require LEAs to transport children with disabilities in separate vehicles, isolated from their peers. In fact, many children with disabilities can receive the same transportation provided to non-disabled children, consistent with the least restrictive environment requirements in 34 CFR §§300.114 through 300.120.

Additionally, special education can include travel training. Travel training is instruction that enables children with significant cognitive disabilities, and any other children with disabilities who require this instruction, to develop an awareness of the environment in which they live, and to learn the skills necessary to move effectively and safely from place to place within that environment. 34 CFR §§300.39(a)(2)(ii) and 300.39(b)(4).

These services can be a fundamental component of the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that will assist children in preparing for employment and independent living in their communities. Therefore, IEP Teams should consider the need for both transportation and travel training when planning for a child’s postsecondary transition needs.

All questions/concerns regarding special bus transportation should be directed to the Special Transportation Coordinator at Stoner Thomas 336-248-5421.