Newcomer Resources for Teachers

Click HERE to access our Newcomer Resources Padlet for DCS teachers! This is an easy way to find the essential resources you need to support your students.
English Learner/Newcomer Support Online Tutorials
This video series provides teachers with the following information:
  • Instructional techniques for scaffolding content and language
  • An overview of the stages of culture shock and how it impacts student learning and language acquisition
  • Appropriate practices for grading newcomer English learners
Teaching Newcomer English Learners: Four Powerful Vocabulary Practice (Highly recommended!)
Video: Immersion by Media that Matters
Watch this powerful video about a newcomer's experience in the classroom.
Suggestions for Grading Newcomer English Learners:
Newcomer Booklet for Teachers:
(We would like to thank Rebecca Olsen for sharing this valuable information with us at NCCAT!)
Video: Differentiating Instruction: A Guide for Teaching ELLs (Fair is not Equal)