School Nutrition » Student Account Information

Student Account Information

Pre-Payment Options

Lunch Pre-payment

Please take advantage of the options to prepay your student's meal accounts. Prepaid meal accounts help the lunch lines go faster and give students more time to eat, relax, and play. It also gives you the peace of mind of not having to worry about looking for lunch money every day or worry that it might get lost, stolen, or used for other things other than lunch.

Online payments are a simple, safe, and secure way to make payments to your students account 24 hours a day at your convenience.
School cafeterias are not equipped to take debit or credit card payments. Any payment you wish to make with debit or credit cards must be made online at  For assistance on please reference the following site or e-mail K12PaymentCenter at [email protected].
School Nutrition will accept checks for the amount of purchase or for the pre-payment of meals.

All checks must be made payable to the student's school cafeteria and should include a phone number and the student(s) account number.

Returned check fees will apply to all returned checks. Davidson County Schools School Nutrition Department does not have the ability to credit any accounts or bank fees that have incurred due to returned checks.
If making a payment on your student(s) account by cash please be aware the full amount will be placed on the student(s) meal account.
How do I get a refund if my student has graduated or transfers away from the district?

If the amount of positive balance is small enough (less than $25.00), the cafeteria cashiers can issue refunds upon presentation of a parental note. If the amount is too great (more than $25) to refund out of the cashier drawer (or if it is after the school year is over), the parent can contact Alicia Dunlap, Accounts Payable at the School Nutrition office at 336-242-5543. Any money left in the student's account 30 days after withdrawal or graduating will resort back to the Davidson County School account. A refund request is available to download and print below. 

What happens to my student's lunch account balance when they transfer between schools in the district?

Once the school data manager at the new school enrolls the transferred student, the student's lunch account (including any account balance they may have) will automatically transfer to the student's new school cafeteria within 24 hours.

This applies to transfers during the school year, but also applies to transfers that happen over the summer due to students graduating from Elementary, Middle, or High schools.

If my student ends up with a positive balance left in their cafeteria account at the end of the school year, what happens to that money?

Any money left in the account at the end of the school year will be kept in that account, allowing the student to use those funds at the beginning of the next school year.
Can I transfer funds from one of my students account to another student?
Yes, funds can be transferred from one students account to another using
The Davidson County School System participates in the National School Lunch Program sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) which permits the school system to offer free and reduced priced meals to students who qualify. Due to reporting requirements, the child nutrition program cannot permit excessive and reoccurring charges of meals. Customers may, however, pay for meals in advance.
Families who wish to apply for free or reduced meals must complete an application each year. The family of any DCS student may submit an application at any time. Applications are available in each school's cafeteria, main office, or on the DCS website.
Applicants are responsible for meals until a free or reduced application is completed and approved.

There is little School Nutrition Services can do to restrict what a student chooses to pick up and place on their tray. Health code requirements do not allow a student to return unwrapped items once they have picked them up. There is not sufficient staff to accompany each child through the line, and by the time they get to the cashier, the student has already picked up what they want.

If you wish restrictions for financial or other reasons not covered by the food allergy policy, the best way to address the issue is by parental involvement and communication with the student. Special notes on accounts are reserved for students requiring dietary modifications through a diet order or allergen statement signed by a licensed physician.

For a small fee, the website can show the student's meal history with enough detail to indicate if extra items outside of a normal meal are purchased (such as cookies, desserts, snacks, extra helpings, etc). Using this resource as an educational tool, parents should be able to encourage their students to choose proper items at mealtime.
Non-Discrimination Statement

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.