Career & Technical Education
Department Overview
The mission of Career & Technical Education in Davidson County Schools
is to empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders
in a global economy.
CTE Goals and Opportunities:
Career Information-Starting in the elementary and middle grades, students are exposed to a
wide range of career options, information, and opportunities to learn about high school and
post-secondary courses of study leading to careers. Our students will be engaged in
work-based learning opportunities in a chosen career area. Employers and community-based organizations help young people make informed choices throughout the 9-12 career pathways.
Grade 9-12 Pathways Linked to Local Labor Market Needs -To demonstrate in our labor markets that many more young people can complete high school, attain a post-secondary credential with currency in the labor market, and begin a career while leaving open the prospect of further education.
Employer Engagement-Employers are committed to providing a continuum of learning opportunities at the workplace throughout the 9-12 career pathways. Employers collaborate with educators and are supported by intermediaries in structuring and managing workplace learning. Employers support students’ transitions into the local labor market.
Career Pathways-High schools and community colleges create 9-12 career pathways with clear structures, timelines, costs, and requirements linking and integrating high school and post-secondary curriculum and aligning both with labor market requirements. Current Career and College Promise offerings should also be evaluated and adjusted as needed. |